Just As I Thought

Rendering frame 27 of 450

I wish I could show it to you, but it’s a secret.
The video stuff I’m doing, I mean.
I’ve more or less finished making transfers of more than 50 films that will be shown on the big screen at this year’s DC Shorts Film Festival, so I’ve turned my attention to the various graphics and interstitials that will precede each film — and the show itself. I’ve been crunching numbers and rendering animation, synchronizing music and making things look… oh, well that would be telling. Let’s just say that it’s the best motion graphics I think I’ve done yet, and I’m giddy with anticipation… in a month, this will all be projected onto the big screen at Landmark’s E Street Cinema!

OK, here’s four frames. That’s all you’re gonna get until you buy your ticket and take your seat at DC Shorts!


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