Just As I Thought

Keep us in suspense

You know what I really hate these days?

I’ll tell you after the jump.

I really hate it when blogs put the really interesting part of the post after a jump, just so that they can get a few more ad impressions. Example: HD Beat’s daily listings of what is on in high def puts a silly bit of commentary in the main entry, but forces you to jump to get the actual freakin’ list of what’s on.
The point of the jump is to place extended information there, not the “hook” of the story. It’s not a device to piss off your readership and make it more annoying to visit your site.
Oh, another hint for bloggers: make the extended text or comments appear in the current page (or pop up in another window). If I want to read the extended text or comments, it always ends up taking me away from the main page, then I have to go back to it again, and wait for things to load.

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