Just As I Thought

Bald Saturday


It’s a weird feeling.
When I first looked in the mirror, I was struck by how different I looked, like it was someone else entirely looking back at me — someone with a tough attitude.
It sort of fits my build better, my face is round and I’m not a svelte A&F model. Still, it doesn’t really seem like it represents who I am inside.
It was wild to do it, and I recommend it highly. When I first started snipping off locks of hair with the scissors, it was a liberating and scary experience. Every so often I would look up and see my hair cut off in bunches, looking I was being prepared for surgery. That was the moment when I knew I couldn’t not go through with it, I had to finish or I’d look like a complete weirdo.
Ever since I did this yesterday afternoon, I haven’t been able to stop running my hands all over my head. It is such a strange yet sensual thing; it feels like my hair is still there but very wet, my scalp is both cold and tingly, just shy of numb. I guess all those nerves haven’t been exposed to the world since I was a baby.
This morning, the stubble is already growing in, and I realized as I was touching it up in the shower that this look will require far more maintenance than my usual boring haircut. Yeah, I’d sometimes spend as much as 10 minutes trying to get my hair to look decent, but more often than not I’d just give up and be messy. This one will require daily shaving, something I don’t even do on my face. On the plus side, that just indicates that it will grow back quickly.
Another interesting side effect: I’m about an inch shorter now.
I have to admit that I do like it on a kind of sensual level, I think it makes me look older and more sexy. Whether those are two qualities I really want is still up for debate.

Off today to some wineries, my debut as a bald man in public. I’ve been here for 10 months now, and still haven’t been to a winery; it turns out that the J. Lohr Winery Tasting Room is just down the street from my house! Who knew? There are quite a few wineries and tasting rooms within 10 miles or so, on today’s agenda is Lohr and Mirassou.
Short bald man drinking wine.


  • Hummm… looks pretty good. Few men have the head shape to go with the bald look, I’m not one of them so I’ll have to live thru your dome for now.
    Your head lets loose a ton of your body’s heat, so expect a cold feeling for a while.
    Also, more pictures, perhaps this time with a more serious face, just so I can get the real deal.
    This of course is all a ploy to convince my wife to allow me to do the same this summer.
    Good luck, it looks great.

  • Looks cool Gene, I must say I’m surprised you did it since you are all about your hair. wink I buzz mine all the time now, but one time a friend convinced me to let him shave it. It is totally different and much more high-maintenance. And (ick) he warned me that your scalp puts out a lot of oil at first because it’s not used to the irritation. He was right.

  • Oh my gosh! Look at you! You look completely unlike you. It does make you look more mature, and gives you an entirely different character. Less, I don’t know, friendly…if that makes sense. You look like you could kick my ass. *grin*

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