Just As I Thought

They’ve certainly got balls

I like nothing more than amusing anecdotes about the pettiness of the president and vice-president.
Like last week’s baseball antics of George W. Bush. Faced with the prospect of throwing out the first pitch in Washington, DC — as blue a city as one can find these days, a place where his approval rating is something like 2% — he claimed a “schedule conflict” and then booked Air Force One to take him to Cincinnati, Ohio, a town that is overwhelmingly red. And just to cement the deal, he marched out on the field with two disabled veterans of Afghanistan and the father of a dead serviceman. Let’s dare them to boo that!
The Washington Nationals politely invited him to their April 11th game, but — oops — schedule conflict. Would you settle for Dick?
And so, they got Dick. After all, what damage would it do if Cheney were booed, he’s used to it. Out he strode — not quite to the mound — amid the jeers and boos, and flopped the ball hamfistedly with a short hop… to great cheers and applause.
Now, perhaps things would be different if he were at a shooting range.
By the way: it cost taxpayers about $200,000 to fly George Bush to Cincinnati to throw out the first pitch.

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