Just As I Thought

The website that watches you back

I was perusing my server logs today. Here’s some of the amusements to be found within:

  • There are tons of people, mostly in MySpace and various forums, who are hotlinking directly to images here on my blog. I’m being slammed, bandwidth-wise, by all the image links so I took some action today. There are bunch of MySpace profiles and the like today which have amusing little “I’m a bandwidth hog” messages on them.
    To some extent, I blame MySpace for this. That crappy site encourages people to leech off of others because the culture there, for some reason, leads people to fill up comment forums with images, the cheesier the better. And none of these images are ever hosted on MySpace’s servers — oh, no. They encourage users to hotlink to other people’s servers, thus making money while others pay for bandwidth. I wonder if there is some way to block image requests from MySpace pages?
  • There are some pretty bizarre search terms leading people here. For instance, so far this month the top search word that brought people to my site was “Kevin.” Wha?? First off, what kind of person just searches for “Kevin” rather than a full name? What are they expecting to find?
    Other top search terms include “Juliana Margulies”, an actress I know nothing about and never wrote about other than posting a “The More You Know” PSA. The #4 top search was “Cowan,” which at least makes some sense, and that’s followed at #5 with “DC Metro Map.” But then #6 is interesting: “kinky ideas.” I can certainly understand why people might search for some kinky ideas to liven up their Friday night; but I’m afraid they’re going to be sorely disappointed when they end up here.
  • My site is designed to look really nice in Safari, since that’s the browser I use and frankly, this site is for me when it boils down to it. But it turns out that only 3.7% of the visitors are using Safari. 17% are using IE 7, and 16% are using IE 6; something like 7% are using Firefox. I think you guys should switch over to Safari. Really. It looks so much nicer.

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