Sometimes I am lonely, sometimes I am sorry for myself, sometimes I am frustrated. But I have a lot to be thankful for.
I am thankful for my family: Dad & Sally; Mom & Eddie; Tony, Karen & Hannah; Brendan & Patrick; Susie, Eric and Kirk; Maura, The Cordovas, Flores, Mauzys, Welshes, and Cowans wherever they may be. I am thankful for Diego, Boothby and Squeaker who keep me company when I am lonely. I’m thankful for Jann, who reminds me that I can be loved. I am thankful for Eric (and Shauna and Nancy and Joe and Tracy and Tanner) who gave me yet another family to belong to when I needed one. I’m thankful for Sara, who found a way into my psyche with her music and then brought me joy and friendship. I am thankful that I have a home, enough to eat, and good health. And I am thankful for those people who work tirelessly to see that others have homes and do not go hungry. I have not done enough to be one of those people – many of us haven’t. Let’s change that, shall we?