The BBC sci-fi/fantasy/comedy/drama/cult show “Doctor Who” aired from 1963 through 1987 (with a revival in 1996) and had over 100 stories, encompassing over 500 episodes. So, how do you find a particular episode? Try the BBC’s new “It’s the one with” episode guide! Choose a monster or plot point from the drop down menu, and they’ll tell you what episode you’re looking for. For instance: Looking for the episode with the freaky clowns? The story you remember is “The Greatest Show in the Galaxy!”
Also, courtesy BBC News, “Doctor Who” has been voted the greatest sci-fi character of all time by readers of SFX magazine – not bad for a TV show that’s been off the air for 5 years! Also in the top 10 were characters from “Buffy” and “Star Wars”… but, surprisingly, not “Star Trek!”
Dr. Who rules