I wish I had been taping “Good Morning America” this morning – while watching the west coast feed a moment ago, I was rolling laughing when Diane Sawyer said, and I quote, “We want to look at the President’s package now.”
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Dead Poets
In today’s Style Invitational, entrants were asked to write poems about people who passed on in the last year. At 105, old Madame Chiang At last met her mortality, That’s got to be a record for A Taipei [more...]
February 1, 2004
Twas neither Ginger nor Maryann, but the Professor who doth bubbled my desire
Seen on TV Barn: the theme to Gilligan’s Island as written by William Shakespeare. Shouldst thou gather at the footlights and I shall hereforth now relay Details of a trip planned innocently for a calm idyllic day [more...]
January 8, 2005