This is just amusing, via Fark: Google turns up third on it’s own search engine when searching for search engines.
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Ik wens dit ik het Nederlands sprak
Yesterday I arrived home to find a package on my doorstep–it was a DVD from the Netherlands that I ordered a few weeks ago, of the fun movie “Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster”. I went to see this film at the Reel [more...]
November 6, 2003
He delivers
For the 5th day in a row, the cute UPS guy just stopped by to deliver a package. I don’t know how I managed to space out my deliveries so neatly, giving me a chance to gaze upon some eye candy consistently this [more...]
December 8, 2005
The view from up there
It was an addition to help ensure safety, but the addition of cameras to the Shuttle made today’s launch so much more interesting and enlightening — watching live pictures from the orbiter instead of just a [more...]
July 26, 2005