Just As I Thought

Yet another conspiracy

My regular readers (I should come up with a new term for my readers – people who for one reason or another keep coming back to read my pointless complaints and rants – any ideas for a new term?) are aware that I am pretty pissed off about the possible closure of Beach Drive in Rock Creek Park… something that only those of you who live here in DC have a clue about.
A few days ago, the Park Service installed a stop sign at an intersection on Beach Drive. Ordinarily, I’d be for this sort of thing. But this stop sign is at a three way intersection (at Beach Drive and Porter Street) where the cross-street traffic is rarely enough to make the main street stop. The result? Tonight at 7pm as I drove home southbound on Beach Drive, the backup on the northbound lane to that stop sign was several miles – for those of you who know the area, the backup went all the way down to M Street. This is simply insane.
I began to formulate a conspiracy theory to explain this.
The Park Service wants to close Beach Drive to rush hour traffic. But they’re afraid that the huge number of commuters who use this route will protest. So, they install a stop sign that creates miles-long backups. Thus, the commute becomes twice as long, and people begin to find alternate routes through city streets. Soon, the Park Service can close the road because their research shows that there are not many people using it.
Aha! Now it all makes sense?
That stop sign must go.


  • Makes perfect sense to me. My friends all tell me I think everything is a Republican conspiracy. My retort: “Everything IS!”

    Leave Rock Creek Park and Beach Drive alone.

    I have spoken.

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