Wanna see my Prius collection?
The white one is officially for sale. If you live in the DC area and are interested, please email me for price and details at prius at genecowan.com…
Wanna see my Prius collection?
The white one is officially for sale. If you live in the DC area and are interested, please email me for price and details at prius at genecowan.com…
As I’m only one generation removed Texan — my mother is from El Paso and I have a chunk of family in the Lone Star State — I hope I won’t feel too out of place marching today with the Texas [more...]
And the winner is: Expression Engine! I’ll be switching the blog(s) over to EE just as soon as Jann has time to install it and I play around with it a bit. It’s on my to-do list. Speaking of which, you know [more...]
You know that amusing habit people have of adding “in bed” at the end of their fortune cookie fortunes? Look what I found in my fortune cookie this morning. Meanwhile, while we’re on the subject, Jeff [more...]