For no reason other than a general need to be festive, I’ve updated g-world Radio 2. Like 5 or 6 other radio stations around DC, it’s now exclusively churning out Christmas music. Enjoy!
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This is the 5000th entry
I didn’t really have anything interesting to say here, and the current political bugaboos are being covered by the vaunted Mainstream Media™. So, this is just a little note to let you know I have been [more...]
December 5, 2007
Style Invitational, or Fun in the Sunday
A few of today’s winners from the Style Invitational — this week, news or historical events presented in the “A” or “B” style of the Bullwinkle cartoons: Second runner-up: 2001 [more...]
February 8, 2004
I can see clearly now
On the advice of fashionistas, I got narrow, wide ones… and lo and behold, they DO make my face look thinner! Who knew? All those years wearing round glasses and I never realized…
June 28, 2004