Without realizing it, when I got dressed this morning I put on green boxer shorts and red socks.
Don we now our gay apparel, indeed.
Without realizing it, when I got dressed this morning I put on green boxer shorts and red socks.
Don we now our gay apparel, indeed.
All those hurricanes coming our way this year are really making a mess. So, to make things more interesting, I propose a change in the way they’re named. I think that hurricane should be named after the current [more...]
Just a housekeeping note: now that I’m moved in and have the cable modem juryrigged (with a cable stretching across the room — just temporary until I get the ethernet network in the house up and running) [more...]
There's a lot to love about my San Jose neighborhood, from the neighbors to the weather to the central location -- and one of the best is the surprising architecture.