I’d claim to be laughing my [posterior] off right now, but I’m sure that would border on the kind of depravity that our esteemed Attorney General finds objectionable.
So instead, I direct your attention to what we in the know call “satire.” Enjoy.
I’d claim to be laughing my [posterior] off right now, but I’m sure that would border on the kind of depravity that our esteemed Attorney General finds objectionable.
So instead, I direct your attention to what we in the know call “satire.” Enjoy.
The Bush administration, not content with the sickening “PATRIOT Act,” is now drafting an even more disgusting piece of legislation that will curtail civil liberties, create more secret trials, and allow [more...]
My cousin Kirk made a comment earlier about the liberal love of John F. Kennedy. While neither of us were even born during the Kennedy era and thus have no first hand knowledge of what kind of president he was, I feel [more...]
I’ve finally been called in for jury duty today — wish me luck. I sincerely hope they don’t ask my opinion on the current head of the department of justice. Really. Id probably end up under scrutiny [more...]
Snicker. How do they make those anyway? I want one with all guys…