I’d claim to be laughing my [posterior] off right now, but I’m sure that would border on the kind of depravity that our esteemed Attorney General finds objectionable.
So instead, I direct your attention to what we in the know call “satire.” Enjoy.
I’d claim to be laughing my [posterior] off right now, but I’m sure that would border on the kind of depravity that our esteemed Attorney General finds objectionable.
So instead, I direct your attention to what we in the know call “satire.” Enjoy.
In Australia, President Bush was faced with protesting senators in the Australian Parliament.. who were ejected from the chamber. Mr. Bush remarked, “I love free speech.” I think we already knew that his [more...]
I know other people saw the plan, why didn’t I? Perhaps I saw it but didn’t think it would work. Make a call for a constitutional amendment against same sex marriage, even though it has no chance of passing [more...]
Well, the President has “revised” his rationale for war. President Bush and Vice President Cheney said yesterday that the war in Iraq was justified because Saddam Hussein could have made weapons of mass [more...]
Snicker. How do they make those anyway? I want one with all guys…