I’d claim to be laughing my [posterior] off right now, but I’m sure that would border on the kind of depravity that our esteemed Attorney General finds objectionable.
So instead, I direct your attention to what we in the know call “satire.” Enjoy.
I’d claim to be laughing my [posterior] off right now, but I’m sure that would border on the kind of depravity that our esteemed Attorney General finds objectionable.
So instead, I direct your attention to what we in the know call “satire.” Enjoy.
Romney’s arrival in London reported as “charm offensive more offensive than charming.” Devastating piece: (via @rkref)
Is it just me, or does the already scary Fred Thompson look, in this photo, like the evil reverend in Poltergeist II?
Oh, boy. This little snippet needs no further comment. Will all those folks who were so upset about what John Edwards’ bloggers had to say for themselves be equally put out by what Ann Coulter called Edwards today [more...]
Snicker. How do they make those anyway? I want one with all guys…