Just As I Thought


  • Well, for right or wrong, there is a BIG difference between his torture rooms and ours.
    Poor comparison on the grand scheme of things.

  • I can think of two differences: the scale of the abuse and the fact that our people will be punished (hopefully with more than a “reprimand”).
    What other differences can you find?

  • The shear number of those killed and the methods used. The methods our gi’s are accused of are like fraternity hazing pranks compared to Saddam’s.
    ..not that it makes it ok for what we (i.e. a very few) were doing.
    There is one thing that no one seems to be talking about, but as prisoners these guys may have had some info that we needed. There is one common theme about most of these pictures, there is a female either in the picture itself or in the presence of the prisoners. This is important, the one sure way to break down a militant, fundamentalist muslim male is to have him humiliated by a female.
    …and if that is going to save the lives of a few of our guys, well then all I have to say is “pass the burlap sack.”
    But that’s just a theory of mine, nothing to back it up.

    If that is the case however, how much you wanna bet there’s a few enlisted men that’ll be hung out to dry because they chose to followe the orders of higher-ranking officers that’ll get off scott free. Rob Riener, are you listening?

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