By all accounts, Condoleeza Rice handed the president a note to inform him of the handover of power to the Iraqis. He scribbled “let freedom reign” on it, and handed it back.
Why do I get the feeling that he spelled it “rain” instead of “reign?”
By all accounts, Condoleeza Rice handed the president a note to inform him of the handover of power to the Iraqis. He scribbled “let freedom reign” on it, and handed it back.
Why do I get the feeling that he spelled it “rain” instead of “reign?”
Holy crap — what news to wake up to. As if the horror in the south isn’t bad enough, now Chief Justice Rehnquist has died, leaving yet another opportunity for the Bush Administration to consolidate power and [more...]
Ryan Boudinot over at McSweeny’s gives us this list: Free Zingers for George W. Bush to Use During His Debates with John Kerry. My vice president has withstood four heart attacks. What’s Senator Edwards ever [more...]
That Dick Cheney — he reminds me of a kid who’s told a lie, and when confronted by his parents he blusters and lies some more, creating a string of untruths that just wanders off into the bizarre. Now [more...]