Just As I Thought

Thanks, Vic

I recently uncovered a CD-ROM when going through the house mercilessly throwing things away. It’s a disc that I wrote 10 years ago after getting one of the first CD writers. It cost $1200 (and it’s still sitting on the shelf over a desk in my office) and wrote at a blinding 1X speed. The discs required a special driver to mount on the computer.
My, how times have changed.
The content of that disc came from about 50 floppy discs I had in boxes. Those were the expensive 1MB discs from 1992. And those discs, in turn, were copies from 800K and 400K discs that I’d collected over the years.
Anyway, the content of this CD is tons and tons of silly little audio clippings and teeny tiny little QuickTime movies, silly stuff I’ve collected over the years. I’ve decided to start posting it all here, just to amuse… and to make the next leap in storage.
In honor of my last post, here’s a message from Victor Kiam.

1 comment

  • If you happen to come across the original game for Hitchikers Guide… le’me know.

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