President Bush said of terrorists: “These are people who hate freedom. You can’t reason with them, you can’t negotiate with them.”
For a moment, I thought he was talking about his own administration.
President Bush said of terrorists: “These are people who hate freedom. You can’t reason with them, you can’t negotiate with them.”
For a moment, I thought he was talking about his own administration.
Remember when the Republicans used to be the ones who called for cuts in spending? GOP leaders this week sent House Republicans home for the summer with some political tips, helpfully laid out in 12 “Ideas for [more...]
Boy, I can fill up this blog just with the Washington Post, can’t I? Post Ombudsman Michael Getler today writes about the President’s unwillingness to hold press conferences, answer questions, or speak to [more...]
A bit late, I suppose, but Ana Cox reviews the Republican convention with wit: The Republican National Convention, to paraphrase Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show,” put on a display of the anger of the [more...]