From the “what’s their priority?” file: it seems that Fox “News” Channel today covered the “ceremonial” delivery of the 9/11 report to President Bush in the lovely and fragrant Rose Garden, but — unlike all the other news channels — decided not to show the commission’s press conference that followed. I can only assume that they decided against this because they couldn’t control the message.
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Fair and balanced™
From Democratic Underground: The odor of hypocrisy surrounding George W. Bush grew even more repugnant last week when he pulled out his favorite chestnut and accused Democrats of “playing politics” with his [more...]
November 19, 2003
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pa•tri•ot n. One who loves, supports, and defends one’s country. French patriote, from Old French, compatriot, from Late Latin patrita, from Greek patrits, from patrios, of one’s fathers, from [more...]
March 21, 2003
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