Washington Post.com, which is already inundated with ads, has now added the intrusive full page ads which require you to wait to read the story.
Boo. Hiss.
Washington Post.com, which is already inundated with ads, has now added the intrusive full page ads which require you to wait to read the story.
Boo. Hiss.
Why is this being allowed? Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul of the new age, has now acquired controlling interest in DirecTV. Murdoch’s NewsCorp (now there’s a funny name) now controls movie and TV studios [more...]
“Remind me to get trash bags when I go to Target.”
On a single page of the Washington Post website, the same paper that brought down a president, there are ads for: Make $6,397/month working online Wrinkle removers Lawyers for Yaz lawsuits, Toyota recall, Asbestos [more...]