Just a moment ago, I was flipping through channels and caught “Bewitched” on TV Land.
Endora was sitting in the kitchen complaining — as usual — to Samantha about Derwin.
She was reading “Harpies” Magazine.
Lovin’ it.
Just a moment ago, I was flipping through channels and caught “Bewitched” on TV Land.
Endora was sitting in the kitchen complaining — as usual — to Samantha about Derwin.
She was reading “Harpies” Magazine.
Lovin’ it.
I wish I had thought up this genre first — making a blog that consists solely of lists of five things. I read it once a week and laugh my head off. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed and I can’t steal the [more...]
There’s a live camera atop the Chicago Sun-Times building that points right at my hotel (you can control the camera to zoom and pan). Can you see me?