Last night I saw part of Zell Miller’s speech then his bizarre rant at Chris Matthews, and I realized what the Republican strategy is: they want to demonstrate that Democrats are freakin’ manic, insane goobers.
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Praise Bush from Whom all Blessings Flow
Did you have any doubts that the Bush administration is creating a theocracy? The Bush-Cheney reelection campaign has sent a detailed plan of action to religious volunteers across the country asking them to turn over [more...]
July 1, 2004
Is this a trend? When things look like they’re heading south, arrange a secret trip to Iraq then surprise everyone with a press release when you arrive? Remember this from Thanksgiving, when Bush secretly visited [more...]
May 13, 2004
Maybe he needs spell check
Okay, well, now they’ve found elements of the Iranian nuclear weapons program.
It turns out that the administration was only one letter off.
February 19, 2004