On ABC’s “Good Morning America” today, Charlie Gibson asked President Bush if he feels his job is burdensome.
“I’m a sunny guy, so I don’t feel burdened at all,” Bush replied.
On ABC’s “Good Morning America” today, Charlie Gibson asked President Bush if he feels his job is burdensome.
“I’m a sunny guy, so I don’t feel burdened at all,” Bush replied.
Ah, fresh Rush Limbaugh idiocy with a healthy dose of hypocrisy … ‘cos there’s certainly not enough of that. Via DCRTV: On Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh said that George W. Bush didn’t go to Vietnam and [more...]
The latest from Molly Ivins: And of course we are all happy to learn that the Bush administration plans to provide universal health care and massive school construction for postwar Iraq, while simultaneously cutting [more...]
Karl Rove laid himself on the line Monday for his boss, the president of the United States. That is, he laid himself under the wheels of Air Force One. Reason: Unclear, but it seems to have been an inside joke between [more...]