Just As I Thought

Just being there

My friend and co-worker Marcia has been undergoing the [challenge? horror?] of breast cancer for what seems like a very long time now. Since her ordeal began, she’s been out of the office for long periods of time, and I worry about her. But I just don’t know what I can do for her. So every so often, I send her a care package, stuff to help her relax and feel better; stuff to make her laugh. Every so often I drive her to the grocery store or over to the hospital for a treatment. I feel like it’s not enough, but I can see her smile even though she feels awful.
I guess sometimes little things like that are a lot of help.
That said, if you’d like to send a card or letter to Elizabeth Edwards, you can do so at P.O. Box 75428, Washington, DC 20013.

1 comment

  • Just don’t ignore her.
    Don’t pretend everything is fine…it isn’t.

    Sounds like you’re doing it exactly right. It’s the little things that matter.

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