Just As I Thought

Wheels within wheels

The length to which advertising has infiltrated our lives is seemingly endless.
I just turned on last week’s Will and Grace on the TiVo. Before the show, there was a short promo as usual — but in the past, it’s been promoting an upcoming show, say, “a special episode of E.R.” But in this instance, it was promoting a commercial! That’s right, a commercial telling you to stay tuned for another commercial. The ad in question was an Ellen DeGeneres commercial for American Express.
Oh, and at the end of that commercial break was another promo for a “wring its neck for one more dollar” special on Seinfeld. The end of that promo features… you guessed it, another ad for the Seinfeld DVD set.
Commercials within commercials. Advertising has become a big, stinky onion.

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