I now know what the next step in this mourning process is: laying in bed alone getting drunk on cheap white zinfandel.
I now know what the next step in this mourning process is: laying in bed alone getting drunk on cheap white zinfandel.
Here’s another story that bugs me, but I can’t seem to form a coherent opinion one way or the other. A Utah woman has been charged with first-degree murder for allegedly refusing to undergo a Caesarean [more...]
A week or two ago I complained that when I try online personals ads, the only people who respond are just… not what I am looking for. Today I got another one. Don’t believe me? To see what kind of guy sends [more...]
My aunt Flossie was the center of our family. The one who made meatballs, over decorated for Christmas, was strict and permissive at the same time, took care of every kid that came within range, made orange soda [more...]
thank you so much. now, i don’t have to feel bad about laying in bed and drinking entire bottles of wine. I can proudly say, “I’m not an alcoholic. I’m in Step 3 of Mourning.”
So, what step is Out-of-Control Shoe-Buying???
Hmm. That’s the second time in as many days that you’ve mentioned buying shoes.
Do you have some kind of, well, shoe fetish? Or should I be ashamed of my predilection for buying $19 sneakers at Payless?