When I was a kid, I would sometimes spend the night at the firehouse where my dad worked — station 9, which is up a steep hill from my house.
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It’s called CYA
This morning, as Washington wakes up to about 3-5 inches of snow, the various highway departments are in lockstep, with harsh words for weather forecasters. “Of course the weathermen didn’t predict [more...]
January 6, 2003
A good kid
A teenager who tangled with Microsoft Corp. over his mikerowesoft.com domain name said he is donating most of his legal defense fund to a hospice for children. Mike Rowe, 17, wrote in a posting on his Web site that he [more...]
March 25, 2004
Oh, the things you’ll see
If only I could have pulled the car over and taken a decent photo. First, I passed the Crazy Buffet — really. That’s its name. This bit of wackiness sits on Camino Real in Sunnyvale. Crazy! Someday [more...]
January 11, 2006