Just As I Thought

‘Cos God said so

The more I hear from religious people, the more I become an athiest. Frankly, every time they open their mouths, they tend to sound delusional. For instance, there are people praying in vigils for God to “intervene” in the fight over Terri Schiavo. What does this mean? Do they think that the hand of God will descend from the heavens and insert the feeding tube?
No, what these people really do is assign credit or blame to the chaos of life in order to make themselves feel that everything is going according to a plan. If the courts rule — again — in favor of ending her suffering, then it will all be blamed on “liberals” or “heathens” who are subverting God’s plan; if a ruling comes down reinstating the feeding tube, then it will be chalked up to God. Ridiculous.
I was thinking today about the inherent contradictions and outright bullsh*t involved in being a religious fanatic, things that pretty much clinch my assertion that evangelical religious nutcases are insane because they have absolutely no logical foundations for anything that they claim. Let’s take a look at one simple example.
If Terri Schiavo is not brain dead, if she is still cognizant and alive inside a vegetative body… in other words, her soul is still there; how can the religious community reconcile their belief that her useless body be kept alive as a prison for her conciousness and her soul? If she is still in there, how can anyone countenance keeping her locked up there, unable to communicate, unable to live, unable to do anything but experience purgatory?
If on the other hand, she is dead — her soul has departed her body — why would a religious person see any need to keep that body functioning when the soul has gone to heaven (or wherever it goes).
Basically, if the religious argument here is that she is not dead, how can they be so incredibly heartless as to let her continue this hellish existence?
In either case, I can see no reason for what is happening. Except politics and the ever-present need of the religious to foist their insane beliefs upon everyone else around them.


  • You and me, both. Organized religion has been behind most wars and nearly all of the stupid discrimination that meted out in this world every day. Why isn’t it OK to just be a good person and treat others with respect without someone mandating that you have to or risk eternal damnation?

  • Here’s another case of evangelical relgious nutcases going too far…
    Sep. 11th.

    I find it sad that someone would result to athiesm based upon the followers. That’s like saying you should change your polical stance based upon Ted Kennedy.
    It’s not God that’s the problem, it’s simple minded otomitauns (sp?) that refuse to think for themseves and see the Bible, Koran ect. as it really is. Most just see it as someone TELLS them it is.

  • Indeed, Gene. I wonder why the Christians aren’t all lined up at deaths door. They say they believe in everlasting “life” after death, in a heaven more fabulous than Easter-Sunday-on-a-Stick. Why all the hesitation to go meet their maker? Beats me, but I have some suspicions.

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