Well, while summer thunderstorms rage back home, I’m learning about what happens here in California during the summer: fires. The other day there was a brush fire not too far away that destroyed at least one home; just a few minutes ago I was out walking the dog when I noticed a large plume of smoke down in the valley — I can only assume that it’s another fire. I fired (sorry for the pun) up the webcam and snapped a shot from my office window before the sun disappeared entirely.
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Apple, that little company I w…
Apple, that little company I was always buying computers from since the 80s, is now that most valuable company in the world. Take that. 😛
August 10, 2011
April 22, 2013
What. The. Fuck. Microsoft.
So, let me get this straight: the iPad is for productivity, and the Surface Pro is for wild club dancers.
February 11, 2013
Sure beats anti-aircraft guns.