This fascinating site allows you to generate charts of gas prices. It shows the average price for gas in a plethora of cities, and you can compare and contrast. Here’s what’s interesting to me: I knew that moving to California would result in paying more for gas, but as of the last week, I’m paying less than my friends and family back home in DC.
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February 27, 2005
$3.95…i got screwed by not paying close attention to the 3 in front.. thought it said 2.95, and filled my camaro up off of dead empty… $59.40…for 15 gallons of 87 Octane…
the station owner was shut down for gouging, considering it was 2.99 a mile down the road.
it hit 6 bucks at his other shell station last week, and he was shut down there as well..
god bless DC rip-offs!