Just As I Thought

Home again, home again, jiggity jog

I love the weather here in San Jose. I don’t know why it took me so long to just give in and go with the sunny days and low humidity, but after being back in Washington I’ve decided to embrace the climate here with all my heart. The windows are open, the breeze is blowing, and I’m feeling decidedly less sweaty than I did just a few days ago.
So, my jaunt is over and here I am back in San Jose. It’s a strange life I have here, but it’s what I’ve got and I am getting used to it; now the clock is ticking however, and I must decide what I’m going to do. Get a job? Try to grow my freelance business into a full-time paying concern? Find a rich man and just be lazy?
My savings is a great cushion, but I don’t want to live on it. This month I have one or two freelance jobs, which should in the end pay me close to my old monthly salary… but after that, things look bleak and empty. Time to get my act together, eh?
And no more iPod purchases. I swear.

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