Nothing negates an argument quicker than poor spelling and horrible grammar. And I wonder if it is just coincidence that the worst grammar and spelling comes from the keyboards of hyper-religious, fundamentalist nutjobs spewing hatred on websites and blog comments.
For example, I was reading some rumor site that claims Eddie Murphy must be gay. The comments on this entry are top-heavy with such scintillating reading as:
Homosexuality is not biological ok?. Pleas accept the fact that there is no such thing as a gay gene. Remember Sadom and Gomorah. God didnt intend on homosexuality to be accepted so get over it. its a choice that has negative consequences always leave a trail of hurt and disappointment,
especially when kids are involved.… Non beleivers out there! Wake up don tbe stupid…..The greatest lie ever told by the devil states that there is no devil. You can plainly see that there is Good and bad in the this world. Homosexulity is not productive, it produces nothing…
… This is the problem with you unaturaul gender loving people. God gave us rules to follow (HIS Rules!) And it is not for us to take His rules as we see fit! Homosexual are always asking where in the Bible dose it state that gay living is wrong to God. Well guess what, after today you’ll never have to wonder agin….
Gee, being so righteous, you’d think that God would guide their fingers to the right keys… rather than into their ears.