I’m just saying that the president looks really goofy and kind of moronic in this photo. That’s all.
I’m just saying that the president looks really goofy and kind of moronic in this photo. That’s all.
What is the result of repression, whether political or religious? Revolution. This is why so there are so many cases of “religious” persons taking out their sexual frustrations on others. So, what happens [more...]
Today’s Washington Post (I start a lot of entries with that phrase, don’t I?) reports on the actual spending amounts in Bush’s 2004 budget. It turns out that many of the programs he touted, including [more...]
The National Debt Clock, that electronic billboard in New York that counts up the debt, is being removed to make way for a new building. You didn’t really want to know what the debt is, anyway, did you? But [more...]
Thank you captain obvious….
Really, can’t you say that about any of his pics?
Hummm, for some reason that last comment seemed a little mean. It was supposed to be kinda funny in a laughing at Bush way, yet it turned out to read kinda like I was commenting on it’s author, which I wasn’t.
Oh, well. Carry on.