I’ve been making little sometimes-funny parodies of “The More You Know” for years now, but finally NBC has gotten into the business. Check out these April Fool parodies.
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The autumn leaves came falling in
It’s been a long time since I posted a link to cool software here, so it’s about time: Autumn Leaves is a cute little app (for Mac OS X) that does what it says. Autumn leaves gently fall down your desktop [more...]
November 2, 2004
Perpetual Ocean
This is the sort of amazing thing that I wish our taxes would be spent more on. Gramatically dubious, I know, but just watch this sample video of ocean surface currents over two years.
March 27, 2012
Solar energy
The northwest side of my house has three windows, and these have trellises installed outside them. When I bought the house, there were lavender bushes along this side, and they grew up the trellises providing some [more...]
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