I’m not saying this means anything, but Wyoming — the home state of Dick Cheney, the Halliburton Emperor, has the cheapest gasoline in the country.
And California, the reliably blue state, has the most expensive.
I’m just saying, that’s all.
I’m not saying this means anything, but Wyoming — the home state of Dick Cheney, the Halliburton Emperor, has the cheapest gasoline in the country.
And California, the reliably blue state, has the most expensive.
I’m just saying, that’s all.
One thing I really hate about the new right wing is their tendency to be complete and utter assholes. Take this story about Fox News, for instance, who call themselves “fair and balanced.” They should be [more...]
I just don’t understand — I don’t know how people don’t notice and I don’t know how he gets away with it, but here we go again: President Bush is planning to give big tax credits to yet [more...]
Remember the big tax cut the Bush administration handed to the rich and to large corporations? Remember how it was supposed to bring us out of this recession? Remember when we had a huge surplus?