Just As I Thought

I think a time out is in order

The internet is am amazing leveler. An ordinary person has, in many ways, as much of a voice as a columnist or pundit. Of course, this also leads to ridiculous, childish behavior.
Case in point: the Michelle Malkin incident.

After nationally syndicated columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin posted the e-mail addresses and phone numbers of three members of Students Against War, they received a flood of obscene and harassing messages from around the country, including death threats. When a liberal Web site, in retaliation, published Malkin’s cell phone number and home address, a full-blown blog war ensued.

“I am now forced to remove one of my children from school and move my family,” Malkin wrote Thursday in an e-mail to the Sentinel.

Aw. How sad. Poor thing. You started it, baby.
Gah, children would you please just go to your rooms.

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