Just As I Thought

Still hot, but could be hotter

Things could be worse. Even though it is 100° right now in San Jose, the humidity is an astonishing 23% — that means that the heat index is 98°, it feels cooler than it is. If this had been DC, the humidity would have left it feeling 120° by now.

I was prepared today: I closed the blinds and drew the curtains before it got hot (although, it was already in the 80s when I got up this morning). The air conditioner is set at 85°, and I spent nearly the entire day in my bedroom under the ceiling fan. I admit that I didn’t go out walking this morning, but since it was already hot I figured that discretion was the better part of valor, especially when talking about walking in excessive heat with heart trouble.

Last night as I was drifting off, the phone rang with a call from my sister, who got married yesterday. I was supposed to be there — but sitting in a narrow, confined airplane seat for 6 hours only a week after a heart attack seemed like a bad idea.
I certainly wouldn’t have stayed up past 1am drinking with my siblings; still, I missed being there, not just to see my sister’s big day but also to see relatives I hadn’t seen in years. Time is flying by for all of us, and since I see some of these people once every 10 years or so, I feel like there are some relatives that I might not have the chance to see again.

And to my brother Pat, who is certainly reading this: you may have been drunk last night, but you still promised to stop smoking on Monday. Don’t want to make heart attacks run in the family, you know.


  • My hubby (nurse 30 years) say you’re doing everything just right and keep up the good work!

    And reminds Pat that when screening for heart attacks two of the 5 questions are.

    1.Do you smoke?
    2.Has anyone in your family had a heart atack?

    Pat’s risk factor has just doubled.

    Gene, Hubby wants to know if Pat is older or younger brother and if any other male member of the family (father, uncle, cousin) has had heart problems of any kind.

  • Heh, yea, i ran out of cigarettes last night, and i believe thats about it for them. lets see how much of a pain this becomes with my attitude for the next few days!!!!

    and when you see the video of the reception, you will understand just how slammed i was…lol

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