Just As I Thought

The down side of weight loss

One of the most important things you can do to improve your health is to lose weight — my cardiologist has given me a goal weight, 25 pounds less than what I weighed when I had the heart attack. I’ve already lost 15 pounds since then, which I think is due almost entirely to a better diet. In a few weeks, I start fitness classes which I hope will help me find some kind of exercise that I will be able to deal with for years to come.
People have told me that they can see I’ve lost weight, but I don’t really see it myself — I think I’ve always seen myself as weighing less than I do, I am always shocked to see photos of myself, which make me look much bigger than I appear in the mirror.

But there’s one significant piece of evidence for this weight loss: the other day, I went out to spray a wasp’s nest on the side of my neighbor’s house — and when I did, they started to swarm out toward me. I ran into the backyard and then into the house, and by the time I reached the door my shorts were around my knees.
Yesterday, I put on my tightest jeans and after only a few minutes walking around, I discovered that they were starting to fall down; it turns out that I can now take these jeans off without unbuttoning or unzipping them.
Ten pounds to go. I’ll need new jeans.

1 comment

  • Isn’t that the best feeling though, when your old jeans are loose? Good luck with the fitness classes; exercise is going to help you in many ways. How’s the walking going?

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