Smokers tend to take a lot of, well, smoke breaks during the day. Those of us who don’t smoke tend to stay at our desks and work.
I’m just saying.
Smokers tend to take a lot of, well, smoke breaks during the day. Those of us who don’t smoke tend to stay at our desks and work.
I’m just saying.
Wow, there’s something to be said for the power of weather. Today in San Jose it got into the 70s, right now it’s 71°. I have my front door open and fresh air is flooding the house; I took my shirts to [more...]
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Yep. A little peeve of mine too. And if you go out and chat with them while they smoke, you have to breathe it… and other people look at you like ‘why are you taking a break? you don’t smoke….
Yeah, and you have to take up all their slack when they’re lounging in a hospital bed while being unable to breathe on their own. Lazy bastards with their throat thingies that make ’em sound like Steven Hawking.
I smoked for years and can’t fathom why on earth I did it, nor why people still do.
Wait… you mean there’s places in Califonia where one can still smoke???