Just As I Thought

Where next, Apple?

If Apple is in the business of changing, well, business; what will be their next target?
First, they changed computing by making computers personal.
Next, they made them easy by combing the mouse with a visual interface.
They brought out what may be the first PDA, the Newton, a device that was ahead of its time — a failure. (Don’t forget that Apple also was one of the first to sell digital cameras, way back when, again — far ahead of the market.)
They changed the music business by creating a better music player and an easy way to buy music online.
And now, even without selling the product, they have changed the mobile phone business (ironically, using some of the ideas of Newton).
So, in another five or six years, can we expect another revolution from Apple? What business is just waiting for the Apple touch?
It’s worth noting that since Apple’s digital camera and PDA fiascos, the company has learned to stay behind when it comes to creating a new market. They’ve decided to let others take those risks, and Apple steps in when the market has matured. They are the company that builds a better mousetrap, but they’re not interesting in inventing the trap itself.
So, what markets can Apple revolutionize?
Digital cameras? Alternative fuel vehicles? Robotic vacuum cleaners? What about an Apple refrigerator?

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