I offer this screen grab without further comment except to note that “San Francisco Values” is the new Republican meme, now that the anti-France meme is over.
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Take your pick
Hmm. So, Bush has decided to demolish Abu Ghraib prison. I can’t decide which more accurately describes this — yet again — pointless gesture. Why don’t you pick one? 1. Out of sight, out of mind [more...]
May 26, 2004
The presinator?
Not a surprise: the Governator has decided that he would support a constitutional amendment to allow a foreign-born president. Current law makes the office available only to native-born citizens, but Senator Orrin G [more...]
February 22, 2004
You were warned
These days, I’m feeling somewhat smug and awfully superior, wondering what the hell took others so long to join in the anti-Bush club. And just about every day, I read another story that makes me wish the media [more...]
November 5, 2005