As I begin the slow but certain slide into old-man-hood, each new sign of aging is a bewildering shock.
Today, I discovered that my eyebrows are becoming wild and unruly, with long curly hairs popping up every which way.
Like Andy Rooney.
As I begin the slow but certain slide into old-man-hood, each new sign of aging is a bewildering shock.
Today, I discovered that my eyebrows are becoming wild and unruly, with long curly hairs popping up every which way.
Like Andy Rooney.
A weird coincidence, this new episode of “Lost” that’s on now: freakish waves that are larger than normal and washing stuff out to sea, causing the survivors to scramble up the beach? It’s to [more...]
Wow. We’ve certainly learned the power of water in the last month, from Asia to California to Ohio… and here in DC, we had a bit of a scare today ourselves. It started around 2am, when the weather alarm in [more...]
Things could be worse. Even though it is 100° right now in San Jose, the humidity is an astonishing 23% — that means that the heat index is 98°, it feels cooler than it is. If this had been DC, the [more...]
That’s what you get for worshiping all things British- now you have British Eyebrows. Just look out for teeth.