An AP article just out on the wires:
“Anchor Gets Stuck on Bush’s Boat”
An AP article just out on the wires:
“Anchor Gets Stuck on Bush’s Boat”
The “Concerned Women for America” website is having a field day bashing gay people. A few tidbits, and my take on each: The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, which is working to force corporations to [more...]
It’s a drivers paradise: Filling a 22-gallon tank in Baghdad with low-grade fuel costs just $1.10, plus a 50-cent tip for the attendant. A tankful of high-test costs $2.75. In Britain, by contrast, gasoline prices [more...]
There are no breasts exposed in the film, with nipple star or without, and yet the Fairfax County schools will no longer screen the movie “1776” because of “sexual innuendo.” Jefferson is balking [more...]