With the name “Time Machine,” I guess I should have realized the similarity sooner:
Every time I run Time Machine I expect to see Steve Job’s face zooming in and the familiar dum-de-dum dum-de-dum theme music playing.
With the name “Time Machine,” I guess I should have realized the similarity sooner:
Every time I run Time Machine I expect to see Steve Job’s face zooming in and the familiar dum-de-dum dum-de-dum theme music playing.
There’s a live camera atop the Chicago Sun-Times building that points right at my hotel (you can control the camera to zoom and pan). Can you see me?
Speaking of permissiveness and individualism, let me just illustrate by showing you what else they have at Target for you: For those of you in the know, I need not comment further. For the naive among you, the [more...]
Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., casts a shadow on the flag as he is introduced to speak at a rally Monday, Dec. 1, 2003, at the police station in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Gephardt, faulting [more...]