One more day until new Doctor Who special… then a depressing 7 months or so until the next one. Gah. I need to buy that Police Box.
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Oh, hello there!
Far back, in the mists of ancient time, there existed a technology for sharing one’s thoughts, musings, memes, and other nonsense. You may have heard of it, if you’re over 40. The web log, or blog. The [more...]
April 12, 2023
Iowa GOP State Senate Candidate Joins ‘Alternative’ U.S. Government
Wait – in this “alternative” government, any whack job can just declare themselves a senator without being elected by the people?
July 16, 2012
I"m disgusted that my senator (and Hillary Clinton's running mate) Tim Kaine voted to approve Noem. And his office will be hearing from me about it shortly.
January 25, 2025