If it’s a given that I’ll always be fat, always be single, and I’m already half dead; then why don’t I just eat the whole box of donuts?
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Identity theft
I just noticed on the list of referrers that there is some strange LiveJournal syndication of my blog, listed under the username genecowan. Who did this? And why? I’ve never seen something like this before, and [more...]
April 24, 2004
RT @dcshorts: The DC Shorts Fi…
RT @dcshorts: The DC Shorts Film Festival is proud to be sponsored by Whole Foods Market!!
June 3, 2010
The traffic pissing contest
I know I’ve complained about this before, but… I’m watching a program on Discovery Times channel about traffic problems. They open with the story of a California cop who drives 50 miles to work each [more...]
January 30, 2004