Hey, Adobe — paranoid much?
Watch out — ‘cos I could use Photoshop to create a document THAT MIGHT LOOK LIKE SOMETHING ELSE!
Hey, Adobe — paranoid much?
Watch out — ‘cos I could use Photoshop to create a document THAT MIGHT LOOK LIKE SOMETHING ELSE!
This happens all too frequently, and makes me wonder if CNN.com has incompetent editors and webmasters–or if they just allow a content management system to put their home page together: Or, perhaps, they’re [more...]
When Apple is involved, you can be sure there will be hype. Some of it is Apple’s doing, for they are marketing geniuses. But much of it is from rabid bloggers and media. ‘Cos if you can work Apple into your [more...]
It’s two weeks now since I stood in line and got my mitts on that world-changing device, the iPhone. Has it changed my world? Well, I send a lot more text messages than I used to. And sadly, it doesn’t seem [more...]