This succinct headline from The Washington Post, during this weekend’s blizzard, pretty much sums up all the news these days, doesn’t it?
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Now I feel old
Thanks to Mac, I now feel ancient. She linked the Age Gauge, a website that calculates your age according to historic events and the relative ages of celebrities. Here’s the sad truth about my age compared to a [more...]
April 3, 2004
Hanging chads at Infinite Loop
A note from the recent Apple shareholder’s meeting: An inquiry about proposal one, re-electing the board of directors, asked if there really was any choice at all in the re-election of the board, since [more...]
April 25, 2003
Free entertainment
Ever watch your local government access channel? As I write this, San Jose’s City Council is meeting to discuss the mayor’s current woes and whether he should be asked to resign. I’m watching the [more...]
June 28, 2006