Yay! I got free samples of tampons in the mail today. How did they know?
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A jerk just berated the Target…
A jerk just berated the Target greeter for welcoming him with “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Asshole. #nottheonlyholiday
December 5, 2011
I guess they were AOL inches
Boy, what a bust this snow has become. A few hours ago, the weathermen were calling for 10 inches; the reporters were all out in the field waiting for huge traffic accidents, and Metro was talking about closing above [more...]
February 28, 2005
Disposable cars
Every time I tune into the radio, I hear ads for myriad organizations asking for car donations. “Free towing! Great tax deduction! Why go through the hassle of selling it?” I can only assume that these [more...]
February 12, 2003